Three years… Three whole years of unbreakable determination… Now, that’s something to celebrate! HAPPY ANNIVERSARY, AMVFilm team! We are extremely close to release, so please continue to be patient. Right now, updates are few because we are waiting on replies from around ten conventions that wish to screen #SyncedTogether. Once an arrangement is set in stone, we will announce where and when you can view the documentary. The premiere will include a simultaneous online release, so if you can’t make it to the con, you can still watch the film and join the excitement.
In the meantime, we REALLY could use donations. We are in desperate need of more RAM as 32GB is no longer cutting it. Our editing machine is struggling so much that with each export there are always render errors. Everything is backed up, so there is no fear of losing data or project files, but render errors and constant freezing are greatly hampering our progress. This is a big problem. If you want to help, please donate to our Ko-fi page: https://ko-fi.com/amvfilm