News & Updates

Screenings at Otakon, Animethon, & PopCult
We are happy to announce that we have three new screenings lined up! Thank you to the convention teams that are so gracious to host

Screenings at Anime Boston & MomoCon
Our team is super stoked to announce that we have FOUR screenings happening this Memorial Day weekend! We are incredibly thankful for Anime Boston and

World Premiere at Sakura-Con 2022
It is hard to believe that we finally get to make this announcement, but we are ecstatic to announce that the world premiere of Synced

Synced Together: AMVs & Their Editors Premiere Plan (Update 2022)
Well, everyone, it is time for our big announcement – the one you have all been waiting to see! Our team is excited to announce

Our Fifth Anniversary
We are proud to announce that today marks five years since the start of our AMV documentary work. Five years! Can you believe it? We

Updated Synced Together: AMVs & Their Editors Premiere Plan
To all our supporters, hello! It’s been almost a year since our last press release, which announced Synced Together’s premiere postponement. Since then, our team

Premiere Postponement
It’s after 8 PM EDT. Right about now, we should have been nervously reading comments about our northeastern premiere, while watching the time tick away

Screenings Canceled
It is with heavy hearts that we announce today the cancellation of our #SyncedTogether screening at Anime Boston 2020. Due to the impact of COVID-19

Third Anniversary
Three years… Three whole years of unbreakable determination… Now, that’s something to celebrate! HAPPY ANNIVERSARY, AMVFilm team! We are extremely close to release, so please continue to
Want to learn more? Reach us here!
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